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National Arts Centre Gala

Life is meant to be lived. I have become more and more steadfast in this conviction with every passing year.

As some of you might know, I had a severe reaction to a standard antibiotic when I was 14. One of the rare side effects of Tetracycline is that it has the ability to play around with our brain chemical levels. In my case, this resulted in a severe anxiety disorder--one that was triggered within a mere 36 hours of being on the medication. 😕

As I struggled to heal my body from the effects of the Tetracycline, I recall first denying myself opportunities out of fear that I would have a panic attack (...and embarrass myself in public, which was a significant concern at the time 🙄...) and then because I felt unworthy and like I didn't deserve joy.

A vital component of my healing journey came from re-evaluating my belief systems and replacing them with healthier models. Not only did I do everything within my power to re-establish my physical health through diet, exercise, and other healthy lifestyle habits, I worked hard to heal my mind from all of the unnecessary restrictions (...and judgements...🙄) I had heaped upon myself.

These days, I strive to embrace all of the amazing opportunities life has to offer. For instance, last evening, my mom offered me last minute tickets to attend the NAC Gala, featuring K.D. Lang. I will be fully honest and admit I couldn't even remember what songs K.D. Lang sang. 😬 I just knew I was being offered free tickets to the NAC and the opportunity to experience something new and fun. So I grabbed a friend, picked up the tickets, and off we went.

Last evening was a perfect example of how embracing the opportunities that come our way can work out even better than we could ever have imagined. The NAC orchestra 🎻 was as talented as ever and K.D. Lang was phenomenal! 🎤 Between K.D.'s incredible voice and dynamic stage presence, it wound up being one of the best performances I have ever seen. I also wound up recognizing many of her songs. 😉

If all of this weren't amazing enough, a dance party broke out following cocktails and canapés. 😮 I truly cannot remember a more fun and memorable evening spent at the NAC.

While I would still absolutely recommend that people honour their comfort zone, I would strongly encourage anyone and everyone to consider stretching their limits. As last evening bears witness, sometimes, the most incredible experiences emerge when we take a chance and allow life to happen. 💞

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