Chocolate: The Good, the Bad, and the Delicious!
Anyone who has spent more than five minutes in my company likely knows that I am an avid chocoholic. Long heralded as "The Food of the...

Simple Sun Butter Cookies
The other day, I found myself craving peanut butter cookies. The only problem with this is that I don't eat peanuts. In fact, I haven't...

Chocolate Cake For Breakfast?
Healthy, weight-supportive chocolate cake for breakfast? Me, please! According to a research article making the rounds on social media in...

A Natural Approach to Fertility Enhancement
Everywhere we look, literature is filled with odes to love and romance. Whether it’s feminist and social theorist Simone de Beauvoir...

How Anxiety Influenced My Career Choices
I didn't always aspire to become a nutritionist and an acupuncturist. In fact, I had a different career path mapped out for myself from...

Nutrition: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Viewpoint
As a nutritionist and unrepentant foodie, I am often asked whether a particular food is “good” or “bad.” Frequent queries involve the...

Fall Back Into Health Habits This Fall
The full article can be found on pg. 32 of the September 2016 edition of the Glebe Report: http://www.glebereport.ca/wp-content/uploads/2...

Healthy Is Beauty
This article can be found on pg. 28 of the June 2016 edition of the Glebe Report: http://www.glebereport.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/GR...

Rawlicious: Whoever Said Nutritious Can't Be Delicious?
I wasn't sure what to expect when one of my friends arranged a dinner party at the newly opened Rawlicious raw vegan restaurant in...

Cereal: Breakfast of Champions... Or Not?
My clients are often surprised to discover that breakfast cereals really aren't the breakfast of champions that years of highly...